Sponsorship & Forms





  • Guest Application (DOC / PDF)
  • Sponsor Application (DOC / PDF)
  • Volunteer Application (DOC / PDF)

Click Here for sample prison agape letters.

Sponsorship Responsibilties


Here are a few suggestions for recruitment that should increase your effectiveness, help you
properly interpret the Great Banquet, and effectualize your responsibility in sharing God’s grace as a
sponsor. The responsibility for the growth of a new Banquet guest rests squarely on the shoulders of
you, the sponsor. Follow these steps to be a good sponsor:

  1. Select a guest who wishes to strengthen his/her spiritual life; who wants to have a better
    understanding of prayer, the sacraments, study and Christian action; who strives to live a
    Christian life that bears fruit for God; or who seeks to know Jesus as Savior and Lord and to
    make Him known.
  2. Be intentional about talking to the prospective guest about the Banquet. Make a specific
    date (or at least be intentional) to explain all about the Banquet. Answer all his/her questions.
    If the person is married, talk to both husband and wife, equally, and get both of their
    commitments. Tell the story of the Great Banquet by letting them know what happened to you
    at your Banquet/Cursillo/Emmaus. Tell them how meaningful the talks, chapel visits, or
    worship services were. We ask only that you not share about agape acts and the Candlelight
  3. Explain to him/her the follow-up meeting on the Tuesday following the Banquet, (Fourth
    Day meetings are announced at Closings and in newsletters), about group reunions and
  4. You are responsible for agape letters for your guest. Ask your guest’s spouse to write an
    agape letter, and you are also responsible for asking all others for such letters. Family letters
    should have an “F” in the upper right-hand corner so they can be opened first.
    *SPECIAL NOTE: Gifts are not accepted for guests or team members during the Banquet
    weekends. Gifts are better given before the Banquet or immediately following on their 4th day.
  5. When you get a letter confirming your guest, call immediately and share your joy. When
    speaking with your guest, be sure he/she calls the contact person for your community to
    confirm his/her participation. If for any reason your guest cannot attend, call the community
    contact immediately. There is usually a waiting list of people who want to attend, so the
    sooner notification of cancellation is made, the sooner they can be accepted.
  6. Keep in touch with your guest until you bring him/her to the Send-off on the Thursday night
    of the weekend at 7:00 p.m. at the Great Banquet Location. If, for any reason, your guest
    changes his/her mind about attending during this time, please call the Great Banquet location
  7. Make plans to bring your guest to Send-off and plan to stay for Sponsor’s Hour which is
    held immediately following Send-off. This is a time when guests and team members are
    prayed for by name, and you can pray and sacrifice for your guest.
  8. Come to Candlelight and Closing, and celebrate the weekend with your guest – do not bring children to services and while serving meals. Make plans to take your guest home after the Closing.
  9. Bring your guest to the follow-up (4th Day) meeting Tuesday following his/her Banquet.
    The purpose of the meeting is to explain group reunions.
  10. Make sure your guest gets into a reunion group. Invite him/her to yours for a few times so
    he/she can experience the reunion group. If he/she does not want to become a part of your
    group, encourage him/her to find one of his/her own.
  11. Encourage your guest to be a Christian witness in his/her family, vocation, and church.
    Be his/her cheerleader so Christ is shared with the world. “See how they love one another.”
    So evidence your life that Christ and you are an overwhelming majority.

Download this as a printable PDF: Sponsor Responsibilities (PDF)